Unlearn is an organization working to bring equity theory to practice in tangible and practical ways in the classroom and school setting. On their website they have lots of posters and teaching tools. On their twitter platform they share a lot of free images that help educators engage in professional development as well as then bring the learning to their students. The organization shares words like microaggressions, gaslight and other important terminology in very reader and student friendly way.
8 Strategies to Manage the 21st Century Classroom
Using technology in the classroom can seem overwhelming when you have multiple objectives to achieve each day and a class full of students to engage simultaneously. So how do we manage the advancing 21st-century classroom environment? Here are eight real-world strategies to slay the daunting, technology classroom dragon.
Harvard University Center on the Developing Child
Through partnerships and innovative programs the Center brings forth research on pedagogy, child development, and tools that will help you develop your teaching practice to better serve your students.
Google Tools for Education
Wishing you know more about Google tools for education? Wish no more! Google has an entire library of online tutorials to help you, from basics of using their platform to info on how to use the tools to facilitate learning of the diverse needs of the students in your classrooms.
Common Sense: Digital Citizenship
Help students take ownership of their digital lives. All students need digital citizenship skills to participate fully in their communities and make smart choices online and in life. Award-winning K–12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum:
Addresses top concerns for schools. Prepares students with critical 21st-century skills. Supports educators with training and recognition. Engages the whole community through family outreach. |
Code to Learn
Code to Learn offers free professional learning to Canadians on coding with young people. MicroWorlds coding software is available at no cost to engage youth across Canada. They work with educators and other community members to co-design curriculum activities & Coding Challenges—including the popular micro:bits! Access the Code to Learn Community to get started with simple activities, request free books, resources and workshops, and find self-directed learning about computational thinking, MicroWorlds EX, JR and micro:bits coding activities. |