This is a website that is focused on centering the experiences, viewpoints and research on school libraries. There are many articles, teaching strategies and lesson ideas that new teachers can learn from. It also shows the power of collaborating with the teacher and school teacher-librarian on various curriculum subjects. This website is powerful because it can help new teachers get ideas of how to approach various projects and lessons for various subject areas with a particular focus on literacy education.
Founded in 1920, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) is the world’s largest mathematics education organization, with 60,000 members and more than 230 Affiliates throughout the United States and Canada. It is the public voice of mathematics education, supporting teachers to ensure equitable mathematics learning of the highest quality for each and every student through vision, leadership, professional development, and research.
Harvard University Center on the Developing Child
Through partnerships and innovative programs the Center brings forth research on pedagogy, child development, and tools that will help you develop your teaching practice to better serve your students.
The Balanced Literacy Diet
This resource provides an overview of balanced literacy in the elementary grades. It was developed by university-based and school-based literacy experts, working together to put what is known about best practice into a form that we hope you will find both effective and practical.
Know Your Terms: Holistic, Analytic, and Single-Point Rubrics
Are you working to develop your assessment practice? Do you struggle to decide on what to use: A rubric, success criteria, checklist? What about detailed feedback to the student? Know Your Terms: Holistic, Analytic, and Single-Point Rubrics (J. Gonzalez, 2014) outlines three types of rubrics that use aspects of criteria, evaluation, and feedback. The discussion about the pros and cons of these tools can be valuable to teachers developing their practice, or to experienced teachers looking for new tools.
Know Your Terms: Holistic, Analytic, and Single-Point Rubrics
20 Simple Assessment Strategies
The simple strategies found in this resource will allow you to collect information for your own use throughout the OT day, or to leave feedback for the classroom teacher.
ETFO Members Sharing in Assessment
ETFO Members Sharing in Assessment website provides teachers with a collection of tools and examples to enhance this ongoing process. Exploring the website will allow teachers the opportunity to choose or adapt tools that meet the needs of their students and their daily instruction practice.