Professional judgement is something teachers exercise daily in their classrooms. After many years of bargaining for this item, the inclusion of the definition of professional judgement in the 2014-2017 Central Agreement was a significant advancement for teachers. In the Professional Judgement Matters resources, ETFO outlines how this concept applies to assessment, evaluation, reporting, student IEPs, and teacher performance appraisals. If you have questions regarding the use of your professional judgement in your practice, please contact Professional Relations Services at 1-888-838-3836 or by contacting your local.
ETFO: Professional Judgement
Who’s responsible? An overview of roles in Ontario’s Education System
As an Occasional Teacher, it can be helpful to know the responsibilities of different partners in the education system and how these fit together. This overview from the Ministry of Education website provides a brief overview.
Who’s responsible? An overview of roles in Ontario’s Education System
Ontario Teachers’ Federation – OTF Connects
OTF Connects invites teachers to learn, share and collaborate with colleagues from across the province through rich, relevant professional learning opportunities. Sessions are offered in a wide variety of topic areas including Technology in the Classroom, Mathematics, Curriculum, Kindergarten, and Financial Literacy.
Réseau de Savoir sur l’Équité | Equity Knowledge Network (RSEKN)
A website devoted to equity and what it can look like in schooling. There are a lot of resources such as articles with current and relevant information and lesson plans from an equity lens.
Réseau de Savoir sur l’Équité | Equity Knowledge Network (RSEKN)
Secondary Traumatic Stress for Educators: Understanding and Mitigating the Effects
This article discusses how student trauma impacts teachers. It also lays out how we can create trauma-informed classrooms and schools.
Secondary Traumatic Stress for Educators: Understanding and Mitigating the Effects
The New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP)
The New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP) is the second job-embedded step along a continuum of professional learning for new teachers, building on and complementing the first step: initial teacher education programs. It provides professional support to help new teachers develop the requisite skills and knowledge to be effective as teachers in Ontario. |
Need To Know If You Can Copy That Resource?
Are you planning to use a copyright-protected work? This tool will help you find out if the use is allowed under fair dealing.
Know Your Local Collective Agreement
ETFO’s listing of Occasional Teacher locals provides contact information as well as website links where available. This is where the answers to many employment-related questions can typically be found; answer will vary depending on your local agreement. The best thing a member can do to ensure that her or his negotiated rights are being upheld is to read the agreement and consider the implications. Members are encouraged to contact their local for clarification and/or assistance if they think that their rights are being violated by any party, including other members, administrators, or members of other unions.
Professionalism for the Occasional Teacher
This document, prepared by ETFO, discusses a variety of topics related to being a professional. This document is unique because this document is written specifically for occasional teachers.
Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession
The Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession provide a framework of principles that describes the knowledge, skills, and values inherent in Ontario’s teaching profession. These standards articulate the goals and aspirations of the profession. These standards convey a collective vision of professionalism that guides the daily practices of members of the Ontario College of Teachers.