What’s the relationship between ETFO and other teacher organizations in Ontario? This page gives an overview of this relationship.
Teacher Organizations
Our Times: Canada’s Independent Labour Magazine
Being an ETFO member connects you to labour organizations in and around Canada. Our Times will help you keep abreast of issues that are of concern to union members across Canada.
ETFO’s Events Management Portal
The portal is your entry point to ETFO events, including applying to attend the many workshops, symposiums, and union events that Federation offers to all teachers, including OTs.
ETFO’s Resource Book for New Members
The Welcome to ETFO resource is for all new members who have recently joined ETFO. It was developed to provide you with helpful information as you begin your teaching career, and to outline the work of your organization as well as the services available to you
Occasional Teacher AQ course
ETFO makes its AQ offerings a superior learning experience by:
- having courses developed by educators who understand the realities of today’s classrooms;
- developing course content that is practical, well-grounded in effective practice, and has an appropriate balance between theory and practice;
- recognizing the delicate work/life balance of teachers; and
- reviewing courses regularly and updating them to make certain that the key learning, course activities, and resources remain current.
Our AQ courses are respectful of teacher professional judgement and honour adult learning principles.
ETFO ID Union Number
Your ETFO ID number is listed on the front of your membership card beneath your name. If you have misplaced your membership card, contact the provincial office at 1-888-838-3836 during regular business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) and ask for Member Records/Fees.
Know Your Local Collective Agreement
ETFO’s listing of Occasional Teacher locals provides contact information as well as website links where available. This is where the answers to many employment-related questions can typically be found; answer will vary depending on your local agreement. The best thing a member can do to ensure that her or his negotiated rights are being upheld is to read the agreement and consider the implications. Members are encouraged to contact their local for clarification and/or assistance if they think that their rights are being violated by any party, including other members, administrators, or members of other unions.
Occasional Teacher Locals
Every public district school board in Ontario has an occasional teacher local within its public elementary panel. Each local has a president, executive members, committees, and other positions. Members have the right to vote and hold office in their local in accordance with its constitution. Each local is responsible for providing local professional learning, access to ETFO’s professional learning programs, providing up-to-date communications, access to professional relations services from the ETFO provincial office, negotiating for the best possible language within local collective agreements to improve working conditions and dealing with many other issues that make employment as a teacher the best professional experience possible.