Whether you’re a long-time OT or new to the job ETFO’s PL options offer something for everyone! Areas of interest include AQ courses, book clubs, summer academy, and conferences developed by teachers, for teachers.
ETFO: Professional Learning
The New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP)
The New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP) is the second job-embedded step along a continuum of professional learning for new teachers, building on and complementing the first step: initial teacher education programs. It provides professional support to help new teachers develop the requisite skills and knowledge to be effective as teachers in Ontario. |
Occasional Teacher AQ course
ETFO makes its AQ offerings a superior learning experience by:
- having courses developed by educators who understand the realities of today’s classrooms;
- developing course content that is practical, well-grounded in effective practice, and has an appropriate balance between theory and practice;
- recognizing the delicate work/life balance of teachers; and
- reviewing courses regularly and updating them to make certain that the key learning, course activities, and resources remain current.
Our AQ courses are respectful of teacher professional judgement and honour adult learning principles.
Know Your Local Collective Agreement
ETFO’s listing of Occasional Teacher locals provides contact information as well as website links where available. This is where the answers to many employment-related questions can typically be found; answer will vary depending on your local agreement. The best thing a member can do to ensure that her or his negotiated rights are being upheld is to read the agreement and consider the implications. Members are encouraged to contact their local for clarification and/or assistance if they think that their rights are being violated by any party, including other members, administrators, or members of other unions.
QECO: General Education Chart
This site outlines exactly what you need to acquire in order to move from category A1 to A4 and therefore higher on the pay grid. Very helpful for OTs wanting to maximize their income during LTOs.
Jobs in Education
The Ontario College of Teachers’ website lists the approved Ontario Ministry of Education websites used by school boards in Ontario to recruit teachers.
Teaching in Canada
The Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) has a huge section on their website with information about teaching in Canada. Occasional Teachers and Internationally Educated Teachers searching for work should be aware of the information listed.
Jobs in Education
If you’re looking for work, we can help you with your job search. School boards in Ontario recruit elementary and secondary teachers using a list of websites approved by the Ontario Ministry of Education.
Apply to Education
As Canada’s premier paperless application system for school boards, applytoeducation.com streamlines the recruitment process for applicants by allowing them to fill out ONE application online and upload ALL of their supporting documents to complete their portfolio. A user name and password is required.