Classroom Supports → Instructional Strategies

Group Work T-Chart

This chart is designed to get students thinking and talking about what makes groups successful.

T-Chart Group Work

Place Mat

This cooperative learning strategy allows students to think about, record, and share their ideas in groups. The document provides an overview of how to use the place mat in class as well as hints and management ideas. It also explains the benefits of using this learning technique.

Place Mat

Student Attitude Survey

This one-page reproducible survey provides insight into students’ attitudes toward oral communication, reading, writing, and group work.

Student Attitude Inventory

Suggestions for Group Work Lessons

This checklist provides students with suggestions for making their participation in groups more successful. It also shows them the areas in which they may need to make additional effort.

Suggestions for Group Work Lessons

Learning Strategies: Think-Pair-Share

Think-Pair-Share is a cooperative learning strategy that can promote and support higher-level thinking. This site explains how to use think-pair-share in your class. It also provides hints on how to use it as well as what the benefits are of using this learning technique.

Think Pair Share

Instructional Strategies

We know that students learn best when they are truly engaged in what they are learning, when they have the opportunity to explore, debate, discuss, examine, defend, and experiment with the concepts and skills they are ready to learn.

This site, created for Idaho teachers, lists a wide range of strategies to use.

Instructional Strategies

Graphic Organizers

This site contains a variety of downloadable graphic organizers that occasional teachers may use with their students.

Graphic Organizers